The headline that glared at me this week, which shook me from sleep and slumber was : a young woman brutally cut into pieces by her live- in mate!!!
The reason why I took to typing my thoughts, is to think aloud the thought process that goes into such minds. What kind of wiring do such minds have? What makes them take such steps?
Relationships, be it friendly, familial, romantic, formal or informal, always have a grey area. None of them is easy or straightforward. The simple reason being, it involves 2 human minds. One human mind in itself is so chemically complex, a mixture of two would naturally result in all kinds of reactions.
Nevertheless, we see all kinds of bondings, connections…a click that happens between people. They do sail the roller coaster ride and somehow keep the boat afloat.
All is well until some crooked chemical reactions in the minds stir something out of the blue. Like this story piece which has shook us up so much, that our brain reactions have gone haywire.
It is personally beyond my understanding and imagination. How do these minds think and work? The thought of killing your partner, another living human being and then cutting him/her into pieces and storing them in a refrigerator takes real guts. These extreme thought processes, IMO, are not sudden. They are usually latent in such minds. They snap out once the right trigger occurs, case in point.
Not getting into the psychological or technical aspects of these situations, from my simplistic point of view I wish to give my two cents on this matter.
We need to stop being volatile and impatient. The younger generation, in particular, is so engrossed in watching gory serials and violent content on OTT, that they no longer can differentiate between virtual and real worlds, animated and real human beings. They think that they go through complicated lifestyles, stressful work and study cultures, competitive atmosphere, confused relationships. Whether they think it is all so complex or they make it complicated, is a blog for another day.
Definitions of what is normal and what is not, have undergone a paradigm shift. So the wiring of the minds are getting more entangled, dynamic and complicated.
Definitions of simple and complex have also taken a total toss and shift.
If one person is not happy with another there is a simple solution for closure: Stay apart and don't bother each other.
But apparently, that would, now, be deemed as difficult or even lame. Why not make it more thrilling and exciting? After all we have seen and learnt on OTT and in the movies, umpteen ways in which the protagonist gets rid of his enemies and emerges a hero at the end. So let's keep it simple: kill the person and cut them into pieces to ensure he/she doesnt come back in any form!!! Total closure!!!
This guy took the dialogue “ tere tukde tukde kar doonga” a tad bit seriously and literally!!!
I can throw in a few DIY( I’m learning the Gen-Zee jargons, and still better, using them!!!) steps which I think can help avoid such extreme thought processes.
Make family dinners a norm where everyone sits around, talks and shares about the day, make real friends with whom we can discuss for real and not 1000’s of followers on your Gram account, who you don’t even know if they exist for real, go out in the parks for a jog/walk, breathe in some fresh air, go out on those snack-packed picnics to a waterfront with your buddies instead of window shopping in a mall and sipping aerated drinks sitting in enclosed air conditioned,stuffed food courts, talk to your partners in person and not on chats or over the phones, mingle, giggle, laugh, be silly and keep your minds open and child like.
Sounds too basic and dumb??? Well, that’s the whole point!!!
Keep the wiring simple, learn to let go, learn to move on, learn to live and let live. Easy going does it. Not taking stress or getting anxious about small matters should become a habit. Train your minds in such a way that nothing affects it too much and the balance is restored quick enough for it to function normally.
A human life, my friends, is not a game of puzzle where one can put the pieces(35 or otherwise)back into the right places and it becomes whole again!!!