Common-Wealth-Loot Games…What’s in a name???

3 min readAug 11, 2022
But India does Care!!!

Shakespeare expressed in his famous piece of work “Romeo and Juliet” and I quote “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Well, I say, just about “Everything” is in a name!!!

Take for example the most recently wrapped up “Common Wealth” games in Birmingham. What’s hidden in this name???

Common- Wealth, simply put, is the common loot and booty that the Super powerful British squeezed, lapped up and shipped out of many countries. The name is a proud display of British Imperialism.

If you jog your twisted and tangled memory lanes, my dearest fellow Indians, you will recollect that our precious Motherland, India, was one of the many countries in which the British ruled, dictated, looted the most from and left us poor, torn and tired.

And now, after so many years of enjoying Independence from their slavery and butchery, here we stand, competing happily in their “Common Wealth” Games and showing off our medals, grinning ear to ear!!!

I can hear and read your thoughts my friends. Some of you might be thinking that it’s just sports and we need to be more supportive and sportive about it. Why create a controversy when there is none??? Absolutely.!!! I concur!!!

But, in the garb of Sports why do we still have to bow and salute to something and someone we have fought against, in the longest of times. We have lost so many patriots in our attempt to make them “Quit India”. And now after they finally quit India we cooly decide to go to their Land and be a part of their — “you slaves- we masters” — “you play-we watch and enjoy” THOUGHT PROCESS.

Oh Great Britain! our Ex- Masters, here we come, your Ex-slaves, to participate in the sports event that you conduct to show off your Ex-power on us. Too much Ex-citement all around…instead of some Ex-asperation…

Ex-cuse me!!!

The very thought process behind coining the name “Common Wealth” exudes every other emotion except being sportive, according to me. It is nothing but, psychological fodder to feed their oversized egos and we happily are falling prey to it.

Notwithstanding the success of our outstanding and super talented Sportsmen and Sportswomen, these accolades don’t add any feathers to our Nation’s pride cap. No…not with that kind of a name.

So, we should, as a Nation, boycott anything that reminds us of our pre- Independence trials and terrors.

So Mr. UK, be a sport, rename the event, be all inclusive and then let’s play!!! Game on!!! OK???

After all, EVERYTHING IS in a Name, Mr. William Shakespeare!!!

Hear, Hear!!!

Jai Hind! Jai Swatantra Bharat!!! FreeDom!!!

