Hor-Monal…to Harm-onal…to some Harmony please!!!

3 min readMar 14, 2022

Now a days, I have been reading, talking and discussing a lot about this topic…

Changes do happen…be it physical, mental, psychological, professional, meteorological or the flavour of the day…hormonal.

Many women and men alike undergo a lot of changes every moment of their lives. In fact, Changes are the only constant factors and are here to stay.

How does one cope with changes??? Are there any specific coping mechanisms???

Let’s throw some light on hormonal changes, its effects and the aftermaths…

I realised not so long ago, that there are some changes happening in me as a person and I mean, intrinsic, mental changes. How did I realise?

Normally, I am an active, open, happy go lucky person who usually doesn't get affected by external factors and emotions. But slowly I was becoming impatient, emotional(so out of character for me), getting very less sleep, irritable, low as a pit feeling in my stomach, a constant nagger, very touchy and anxious most of the times.

It doesn't take an expert to identify the shift in your own personality.

Although, I did not understand it immediately, it did not hit me just like that. It took me a while to see the change in my behavioural pattern.

So after this enlightenment, I did some digging and here I wish to share my enlightened views on how to cope with similar phases and stages, if at all you come across them, which I am sure you have or you will!!!

  • Mechanism #1: Try to read, realise and accept the changes in patterns of your behaviour. After you identify and understand, you need to accept there is something off-track. Only then will you be able to go to the next step of coping with them.
  • Mechanism #2: Don't keep it to yourselves. Share it with your close friends, family and discuss the changes. How is it affecting you, what are your symptoms?
  • Mechanism #3: Once you accept the changes, understand that almost every woman has to undergo similar phases, you can boil down to your specific issues. What are the top symptoms that are bothering you personally and affecting your routine? Identify them.
  • Mechanism#4: Consult a doctor. Discuss with him/her your symptoms and get the necessary expert advice. My Bit: Try Ayurvedic mode of treatment, it’s more effective and natural than stuffing your system with harmful chemicals and further damaging it.
  • Mechanism #5: Eat well, healthy and fresh. And never miss carrying out some minimalistic physical activity, be it jog, walk or any that you deem fit for you.
  • Mechanism #6: Surround yourselves with friends and people who empathise with you and your state and will be there with you in spirit. It will have a calming and soothing effect on you and will help you sail through. Your support system and circle should be so strong that they support you and are with you through out. Hormonal can be tackled if there is better understanding, support and harmony!!!
  • Mechanism #7: Indulge yourselves in a hobby that would work as a tool of diversion. Be it gardening, reading, watching movies or series, chatting with your friends. Do more of these activities. Distract yourselves, surround your mind with positive energies, positive people and positive activities.
  • Mechanism #8: Understand that this is natural, happens to almost everyone around you, whether they agree and accept it or not. And this is just a phase. It will pass. It is Hormonal, don’t let it Harm you and make life Harmful for you.

I know that this blog of mine is not filled with Fun Puns or Double Entendres. But I wanted to try my hand at sharing something natural, something which should be spoken more about and something which one doesn't need to be ashamed of, needn’t be scared of.

PunFun Next time… till then start living Harm-onally…even when things are changing Hor-monally…!!!

