A Journey from A Detox( Frying Pan) straight into Retox (the Fire) !!!

I had heard a lot about social media Detox, plastic detox, E-detox, non vegetarian detox, alcohol detox, Political detox, Web series detox, detox from a detox and so on…
So I thought let me try a cocktail detox, all of them put into one, add a spot of indigenous Ayurvedic essence to it and I would be all set and freshly plated and served, bracing myself up for what 2020 too has to offer!!! Bring it on!!!
Lo and behold, I checked myself into a plush Rejuvenation Retreat to undergo a 14 days wellness and detox program, where I thought I would throw away my masks, cleanse my outer and inner self, rejuvenate to the core and come out fresh and invigorated as a daisy!!!
Viruses and Bacteria could take a long walk in the parks, malls, theatres, weddings and home stays!!! At least those were my first thoughts.
The program began with a bang!!! No…not a bang, but A Gong…literally!!!
They used to hit a gong when it was time for the top 3 meals of the day, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. And once the gong was hit we had to come out of our holes(read rooms) and nibble on the food kept for us like rats.
The first couple of days the rats, I mean, we enjoyed the cheese-less spread(no milk products allowed)…piping hot millet idlis, millet dosas, healthy boiled veggie soups, red rice(mostly, not a millet, I had by then lost sense of what entailed a millet and what did not!!!) , khichdi (millet again), rotis (yes, made from millets) and millets and more millets.
I was thrilled at the very idea of embarking on a Millet filled, healthy journey!!!
So, I, now totally, Let-me enjoy the Me-Lett!!!
Didn’t want to Let-me let Me-Lett down!!!
Oh!!! Let- me out for Millet’s sake!!
But after the initial excitement started to wane off and I could see right through the millets, I realised that all the dishes tasted the same…Tasteless, bland. But that was the whole point and strategy. To kill your appetite by killing your taste buds and thus killing the urge to eat.
After 2 days I almost daily killed the thought of killing myself and everyone around me!!!
On the other hand, I experienced all kinds of relaxing massages, mud baths and hot syrup baths everyday which gave me a sense of purpose and hope during my stay there.
I looked forward to them because they made me wake up to every millet filled day with some enthusiasm.
Then, in the later half of the program there were some therapies which cleansed the toxins and totally flushed them out of my body along with all the residual energy, strength and power I had built and gathered by eating Millet filled diet through out!!!
I could almost hear a huge Sigh of relief that my body let out, sang and felt free and clean…

On the last day of the program, I was made aware that I had lost around 3 kgs of weight(Hurrah!!!). And suddenly, I felt very light on my feet…and brain.
So now with my lightened spirits sky high, with a mind charged with detoxified energy, I checked out of the retreat and checked into home sweet home.
Now here comes De-twist to the tale!!! Re-ad away!!!
So-(here we go)De-Re-Mi- Fa-So-La-La-La!!!
I was about to diligently start my new healthy detox regime from the next day, when I got information on My ADDA that people from almost 5 flats in the Apartment I live were tested COVID positive, the total adding upto more than 20.
The next thing my cleansed, pure, clear and healthy eyes witnessed is that we were declared a Containment zone!!!
Masks back on!!!
Barricades, barriers and Quarantine stickers were being pasted all around our blocks. The place was milling with Aliens everywhere with PPE kits, swabbing, punching and stuffing everyone’s noses and throats with those test sticks.
I was punched twice in a week because my house help was tested Positive.
Thankfully I turned out to be Negative!!! So much for my Positivity and Detox Spirit!!!
And with all this frenzy around, us being stuck at home for 10 days, left to do all the chores, my Detox Spirit died its natural death.
My mind now filled with toxic, viral, bacterial, even algae and fungal thoughts, I went around with my work, trying hard to wash, rinse, wipe, sweep, dust and mop my sadness away!!!
That’s how I jumped from the Retreat’s Millet(y) Frying Pan straight into the Viral Toxic Fire…

Who said life isn’t a vicious cycle???!!! It is indeed. Not just a cycle but a motorcycle, a car and even an auto!!!
You need to just hop on and go for a ride…wherever it takes you !!!
My de- Tour from De-tox to Re-tox is worth every drop of tears I can see welling around your eyes!!!
I feel you comrades and co-millets, co-detoxers!!!