The grand emergence of the alphabet K…the gravity, the significance and the value attached to it, is slowly sinking in.
Addiction to serials or series, as it has been now coined, is nothing new.
From my Grandmother to my father and mother, or yours truly, everyone was and has been hooked onto some serial or the other.
The attachment is inexplicable and even emotional.
There was a time when Mahabharata and Ramayana were very popular.
Thanks to Doordarshan and a Sagar (sea) of antennas, every member of a household would be waiting for Sunday mornings for these Mythological epics to be aired.
Yes, it was once a week frequency!!! And the frequency of the antenna had to be adjusted each time so that one could watch uninterrupted.
One of the family members would climb up the terrace and hold the antenna in place so that it didn’t move whenever there was a gush of wind and disturb the telecast.
Such was the devotion and passion!!!
Speaking of devotion, people used to be ready with Aarti Plates, incense sticks and Diyas, ready to offer flowers and prayers whenever the actors playing Lord Krishna or Lord Rama appeared on screen.
Where do you find this kind of innocence and allegiance now a days???

Next came the days of Women-centric, inverted arrow dramas like “Shanti” and “Swabhimaan” filled with romantic twists and turns, inheritance wars, succession rights, property entanglements, petty quarrels and above all, emotional turmoil that threatened to destroy the strong female protagonists.
In the end(wait, did these serials even end???) she used to emerge as the unscathed winner.
They were touted as stories of every household.
I am still in search of the households where such stories unfold!!!
BUT the women and men of those DAYS didn’t complain!!!
And these serials also had the Bhatts and Des laughing all the way to their respective banks!!!
It paid off and how!!!

And then, we laid the red Karpet for the Kween of Television, a lady who kould and kan spin serials left, right and centre and go on pulling them longer than all the known laws of elasticity that any scientist has been able to komprehend or imagine!!!
Oh Kome On!!!…I am going Krazy with all the K stuff going Kaboom in my mind!!!
I need some Koffee and…a gift hamper!!!
It all started with a mother in-law: daughter in-law saga.
The daughter in-law later became the reel mother in- law and then went on to become a high profile Kabinet minister in real life.
Such is the Ir-ani and her Kar-Ma!!!
The grandmother in- law in this serial has lived up to a ripe age of 200 + years and still counting. She must even be registered in the Guinness Book of world records for the longest living K-Mummy!!!
She is highly Mummified!!!
This paved the way to a bombardment of serials, all starting with K mind you, whether it made sense or not!!!
Kow koes kit katter???… I mean, how does it matter???
Kommon sense can take a ride in the park…it was Kapoor sense all the way!!!

After our local K Mom, it is now, gentlemen, time for the international K-Pop!!!
Where there is a Mom, there is always a Pop!!!
So, let’s pop them out!!!
We are realising that Korean is now the new English!!!
It is the new age, most sought after foreign language that has entered the hearts, minds, bedrooms, walls and iPhones of millions of teens, youngsters, adults and the like.
B(e) it T(ea) or (ye)S even Ramyon, they are everywhere, singing and dancing their way into our lives.
K Dramas have become so popular that it is almost a crime if you are not catching up on the latest.
If you don’t catch one soon, it is gonna definitely catch you!!!
One way or the other, you will be caught and thrown into it!!!
After all, there is an Army (all of them who look almost the same!!!) out there, attacking us from all corners, spreading fast and going viral by the minute!!!

K-Dramas, I found out, to my astonishment and disappointment, run only for one season!!!
They think making a serial is just a game. For them, it is as easy as relishing Squids and playing children games with us.
But limiting us viewers and fans to only one season each??? That is unfair!!!
They are depriving us the enjoyment and excitement of watching never ending stories. Feed us more of Kimchis and Ramyon and their prequels and sequels please!!!

I bet our K- Moms would be more than willing to come to our rescue and give K- Pops and their makers crash courses on how to make K Dramas live longer, lengthier and well, forever!!!
K Moms have it in their blood to create Drama for a lifetime!!!
So, here’s a shout out to all K-Pops…please bow your heads in reverence and get yourselves blessed by K-Moms, if you wish to survive the competition and win the war.
I, for once, cannot even imagine what we would have done without our Mammas for entertainment!!!
My salute to all the K-Moms….K- Maa…Tujhe Salaam!!!